Whenever I embrace a new technology, I jump in feet first and immerse myself in that technology. My Blackberry Curve is no exception.
Hardware Add Ons:
• 4 GB Micro SD card (I have almost filled it.)
• Weathereye (Current, short and long term forecasts) http://www.theweathernetwork.com /mobile/weathereyebb
• Poynet (Search from current location, businesses and movies. Then you can map it.)
• Assistant (track credit card and bank account balances and transactions and more…) http://www.pageonce.com/ The first five account you track are free. To track more accounts, the cost is $9.99/year. The price dropped! It did cost $4.99/month!
• Beyond411 Search (just as the name implies…)
• Opera Mini Browser (Better internet browser than the Blackberry one)
Stay away from YahooGo. This app caused my Standby Mode to stop waking up. I needed to do a hard reset (take the battery out) to get my Blackberry to wake up.